Cyega Consumer SURVEY
(Consumer’s name If more than one please write all of them)
Welcome to Cyega Consumer SURVEY! First and foremost, we thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to help us improve our services. Here at Cyega, we value each and every one of our clients and we want to make sure our staff is providing the best service to our consumers. We thank you in advance for your honesty in regards to our questionnaires and for helping us to improve our services!

Please select the following response in regards to the questions asked. Please circle your responses. 1= strongly agree, 2= agree, 3= disagree

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire in regards to your counseling team. If you ever have any questions in regards to your counseling team, please feel free to call our 24 hour on call clinician at 281-936-0047 and asked to speak to a office manager!
(Consumer/ Parent or Guardian)
(Please state the name of your Case Manager)


Our five star reward program is designed for families and friends to engage in sharing useful information about their experience through Community Empowerment. Please contact email Mr. Roy for more info.

Online Referral Form

Click here to access the online Referral Form

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